The Players
Jason Catalano
Jason was born off the Amalfi coast and lived in a villa with his family, his father being a well-to-do cartoonist. Upon entering America he acted in a high school play entitled Jerry Finnegan’s Sister and, to quote Tupac, “was bit by that bug everyone talks about”. He studied at N.Y.U. under the guidance of Travis Preston and after school has studied with Bob Krackower. Taking a break from the stage to give aquatics a go, he quickly returned to show biz by doing avant-garde puppetry with the legendary Marvin VinMatt. He fronted the rock band Different Age and co-created The Bomb-itty of Errors, an add-raptation of The Comedy of Errors. He was last seen in Gizmo Love, directed by Sam Weitzman, in the role of Thomas.