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The Players

Joe Tuttle

Joe Tuttle


Joe Tuttle began his career studying clown and physical theatre with a graduate of L’Ecole Jacques Lecoq and continued studying acting and theatre at Northwestern University, where he performed with the Northwestern University Mime Company touring nationally and internationally with their award-winning series of pieces, An Evening of Mime. He is excited to be back in the New York area after originating the role of George in the first national tour of Curious George this Fall. Favorite roles include: “Jake,” Sweet Sue, “Wesley,” Curse of the Starving Class, “Ariel,” The Tempest, “Jeff,” Lobbyhero, “Antipholus,” A Comedy of Errors, “Cornwall,” King Lear, “Charlie,” Mere Mortals, “PC Naylor,” Rat in the Skull, “Macbeth,” Macbeth, “Pompey,” Measure for Measure, “Trofimov,” The Cherry Orchard, “Ben,” Dumbwaiter, “Bobby,” American Buffalo, among many more various film and television roles.

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